Mark 13:24-32

This week's Gospel is all about the Second Coming, which is pretty scary. And it might seem totally irrelevant, but a lot of the things said in this Gospel can actually relate to us. Right now!
"In those days after that tribulation... the powers in the heavens will be shaken."
Tribulation is defined as a cause of great trouble or suffering. So when there is earthly trouble, not only is earth suffering, heaven is affected as well. The heavens are shaken, which, to me, means that all in heaven are praying for all on earth
"And then they will see 'the Son of Man coming in the clouds'"
When there is trouble, there is help. When there is darkness, there is light. Jesus is the light of the world and He will shine this light whenever you need it, whether it be through an ray of sunshine, through a close friend's hug, or through a stranger's smile.
"When you see these things happening, know that he is near"
Even in times of trouble, God is with you and the Holy Spirit will guide you when you are lost. When the whole world seems to be falling apart, God is still providing. Forever as "Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will not pass away."
"But of that day or hour, no one knows, neither the angels in heaven, not the Son, but only the Father."
God knows when the time is right. For everything. And he provides reason. For everything.
The biggest thing I take away from this Gospel is trust. The future is so unclear and you don't know what's coming your way, but know that after all the bad, there is good on its way, even if you don't see it at first. For instance, when the Second Coming happens, there is going to be chaos. But in the end, there will be no separation between heaven and earth, but one place greater and in unity. So always have your heart prepared for God because He is always near and has something amazing in store for you!
This Gospel also brings a lot of comfort, especially in times of transition. We are quickly approaching the end of my first semester of college and there has been a lot of change and uncertainty. But one thing is constant.
The Catholic Church is UNIVERSAL and no matter where you go, there's always someone in this crazy beautiful community. And no matter where you are in your faith life, there is always a way to work on preparing your heart for God.