John 2:1-11 (The Wedding at Cana)
@ Carmel Deanery Christian Awakening Senior Retreat friends. This one's for you.
(Also who doesn't love a good wedding?)
This weekend, I am staffing a Christian Awakening Senior Retreat, and the theme this year is, "The Change in Me." This is pretty fitting for this Gospel as Jesus is literally CHANGING water into wine. This is also the first miracle that Jesus performed and so "his disciples began to believe in him." Likewise, Christian Awakening is often the catalyst to a true excitement for the faith (I can testify to that).
I mean, it is called Christian AWAKENING.
There's a lot to talk about with this Gospel, but one of the things that stands out to me every time is the hope and trust that the servers show. They listened and acted when Mary told them, "Do whatever he tells you." They had no idea what was going to happen. They probably thought Jesus was really going to make them serve water at a wedding.
But they did whatever he told them.
The people that witnessed this miracle not only saw and accepted this literal change from water to wine, but also accepted His change in them, and they started believing.
My hope for everyone on Christian Awakening (and anyone else reading) is for ALL to accept His change in them. For all to listen and:
"Do whatever he tells you."
Also fun fact, this is the last thing that Mary says in the Bible. So when Mary's role kind of ends in writing, is when Jesus's ministry really takes off. But what's beautiful about this is that she doesn't make this about her, but about Jesus. She lived her entire life for Jesus. For God. And she leaves us with a very insightful command. To "do whatever he tells you."
And you have to listen to whatever your mother says, right?